Software updates — January 2020

Major new functions

  • Context-sensitive help buttons are now available across the software.  
  • You can now immediately embed a document or binder into a mail message, by “exporting” to email (instead of DOCX or PDF).
  • Similarly, you can perform a copy-to-clipboard of the contents of the current Document/Binder.
  • ClauseBase’s internal engine has been heavily optimised, and can now deal with very long & complex documents (with many equally complex subdocuments), while updates are still done in real-time.  
  • You can now export to MS Word the contents of any file (and its descendant items), by way of backup of your ClauseBase data.

User interface

  • You can now simulate a Q&A document right from within the “edit” mode, meaning you usually don’t have to switch to “simulate” anymore. Productivity boost!
  • Subdocuments of a Binder in the Q&A are now shown with separate tabs (instead of one big document).
  • You can now click on “some mandatory questions are not answered” to get a popup-list with the unanswered questions (on which you can then click to immediately scroll to it).
  • When an adhoc-clause is deleted from the Document and its properties sheet (at the right side) happens to still be opened, it will now be automatically closed. (After all, there is no use in editing it anymore, and it will not be accessible anymore, since its only existence was within the Document, and now it got deleted…). 
  • Definitions can be added from within Assemble Documents.
  • You can now select the (first instance of a) clause of a specified file ID, from within the search dialog box (Ctrl-Shift-F). 
  • You can now, from within the software, submit a support request to our Support Team. Optionally you can include a screenshot and/or memory dump of the browser. 
  • You will now receive a warning when using spaces, initial capitals or invalid characters in a concept’s file name. 
  • In the Q&A editor, cards are now also indented & changed in colour when such is specified.
  • Subdocuments of a Binder are now, by default, in a “locked” state, to avoid that their structure would get changed (e.g., clauses indented, moved around, deleted, etc.). You now need to explicitly click on the unlock icon to perform such operations.
  • Similar to subdocuments, clause hierarchies are now locked when first inserted, to avoid that they get inadvertently “destroyed” by users (so that their structure would no longer reflect changes in the original hierarchy).
  • You can now click on a search result to go to that folder/clause in the browse panel (or in the Browse Files panel if you hold down Alt).
  • True/false answers are now presented with radio-buttons (i.e., round bullets) instead of a dropdown list, to facilitate faster answering (less clicks!).
  • Clause hierarchies have their own icon.
  • You can now Shift-click on a not-yet-used datafield to immediately scroll to the first visible clause that would be impacted by that datafield.
  • The “description” field of a not-yet-used datafield will now be shown when you hover your mouse above it.
  • Clicking on a used datafield will immediately scroll to the first visible clause impacted by it.
  • You now see the datafield-type of a not-yet-used datafield in the data dashboard.
  • You can now optionally assign a special color (instead of the dark grey) to a datafield. This can be useful to quickly spot the most important items in a lengthy datafield list.
  • A table can now be automatically reformatted:
  • You can now select multiple items to delete or move them together in the file browser. (After having a first one, hold down Shift and select the last one.)

Special functions & codes

  • You can now insert tab-stops using @tab@tab-u@tab-d@rtab@rtab-u and @rtab-d. For example, @rtab-u(5) inserts a right-aligned tab in the horizontal middle of the paragraph, preceded by dots.
    • The r- versions insert a right-aligned tab (instead of the default left-aligned tab).
    • The -u versions insert a tab with preceding underscores.
    • The -d versions insert a tab with preceding dots.
  • Instead of §#concept based cross-references, you can now also use §tag-based cross-references. They do not require you to create a separate concept, which is ideal for a “lightweight” approach where you just want to quickly refer to some other clause in a document. More information.
  • Addition of special functions @when@case and @switch. Essentially, they are shorter and/or special versions of @if
  • Addition of the @str function, to concatenate (text or non-text based) parameters into a single text.
  • You can now refer to the title of the present clause with §this-title.
  • You can now manually insert placeholders in that central placeholder-styling using the @placeholder(some text) function-call.
  • You can now check on the gender through @is-male@is-female, @is-neutral and @male-female.

Layout & styling

  • You can now add borders and backgrounds to the document title, headings & individual paragraphs.
  • Headers & footers can now be different between the first page and the rest of the pages of a document.
  • Headers & footers can now include the values of datafields, by including {datafield concept-filenumer fieldname}.
  • Documents can now contain more than one column (often used for the — literal — small print of general t&c).
  • Each subdocument can have a completely different styling. (Any styling applied on the Binder level, will be imposed on all the subdocuments.)
  • You can now use URLs (either a fixed string, or a datafield that resolves into a string) for @images and in {image …} placeholders in the header/footer of a page.
  • Underlining text by inserting backslashes — e.g. \this is bold text\
  • You can now centrally define how placeholders should be styled.
  • When using §#concept or §tag cross-references, the title of the target-clause can now be automatically printed as well when this is activated in the central styling (assuming that the target clause does indeed have a title!).
  • There is now a fourth styling for numbering:
  • You can now assign assign numbers to the title of sub-documents. 
    • insert either {A} or {1} in the (short and/or long) document-title — it will be replaced by the real numbering, either 1 – 2 – 3 – … or A – B – C – D – …
    • The replacement will be skipped for documents that are currently hidden due to some condition. 
    • Both the 1 – 2 – 3 and A – B – C numbering systems can actually be used in parallel, because they increment independent of each other (i.e., there are two separate counters, one for 1 – 2 -3, and one for A – B – C). As shown in the screenshot, this allows you to for example give “Schedules” different numbers than “Annexes”. 
    • In addition, from within the document title, you can also refer to the numbering specific tagged paragraphs, using {§xyz} (assuming some clause used in the document has been tagged with tag “xyz”). This allows you to for example create a Binder with subdocuments that are numbered “Annex 8.2 – Liability”, where this annex acts as a detailed explanation of whatever is being said in article 8.2 of the main body. If the main body happens to get renumbered, the annex title will happily adjust.

File import

  • During a file import session, you can temporarily save the state of your browser by clicking on the “stash session” (and its companion “restore session”) buttons. 

File export

  • Option to export subdocuments of a Binder as separate files (into a ZIP).


  • The behaviour of where new adhoc clauses or library clauses are inserted, is fundamentally changed. (A popup hint that refers to the Shift/Alt possibility is shown when you hover over the + in the toolbar.)
    • the default behaviour is to insert below the currently active clause, or as the last clause if nothing is selected
    • if Shift is held, the new clause is inserted as the last child of the active clause
    • if Alt is held, the new clause is inserted above the active clause
  • Changed the Duration defaults from Years to Months.
  • You can now remove a custom concept-label (i.e., revert back to the default concept-label). Also, the default concept-label is now shown in bold.
  • In most cases, the software will now no longer ask whether you want to treat a certain conjugation as a participe passé or instead as an adjective in French.
  • In the conditions attached to questions, you can now check for the number of specified text answers.
  • You can now toggle between showing or not showing the yellow placeholder boxes in case of missing datafields. With this new technique, you can avoid most of the workarounds to manually alert the user for the fact that datafields do not yet have a value. See “Exclamation marks before datafields” in More information.
  • You can now convert an instance of a clause with numbered headings (i.e., numbers such as 1., 1.1, etc. were typed in) into a clause with asterisks.