Software updates — July 2020

New features

  • Addition of Lithuanian as a language.
  • You can now edit the values of tables, as an actual table, directly from within Assemble Document, when you select a clause that contains repeating list datafields.

Q&A improvements

  • Cards, questions, change-sets and changes can now be operated on in bulk.
    • You can select multiple items at once by holding Shift for consecutive selections or Alt (Option on Mac) for adding or removing a single item.
    • Once multiple items selected, you can copy, paste or cut them all at once.
    • Many options (e.g., color of a card, indentation of a question, …) can be set for all selected items at once.
    • Conditions can be pasted and removed for multiple items at once.
  • A new “checks” panel has been added, which shows a constantly-updated overview of errors in the Q&A. For the moment, only two checks are performed, but new ones will be added over time:
    • Missing translations in certain languages (e.g., if a card’s title is missing for French)
    • Incomplete conditions (e.g., a condition “question visible?”, while the question itself is not specified)
  • A new “dependencies” panel has been added, which allows you to see which cards / questions / predefined values / change-sets / changes depend on a certain item.

    For example, if card A is referenced in the conditions of question B and predefined value C, then this new panel allows you to easily get an overview of all those dependencies. In complex Q&As, with many interdependencies between items, this will greatly speedup some searches.

New special functions

  • @marginal, which can be used to insert marginal numbers (i.e., consecutive numbers for paragraphs — “randnummers” in Dutch).

Import mode

  • The import mode received several productivity updates:
    •  In the concepts pane, you can now see all the usages of that concept (whether as a definition target, as a defined term, used through its datafields, etc.). You can then click on these usages to immediately scroll to that occurrence.
    • In case of missing concepts or cross-references, you are now suggested to go to the relevant sub-panel through a handy button. 
    • Definitions and definition-lists are now clearly indicated as such in the document editor.
    • You can now click on an icon (magnifying icon) to scroll to the clause you are editing.
    • Instead of using concepts (§#concept) for cross-references, you can now also use the lighter structure of a tag (§tag). The cross-references pane has been updated to reflect this.
    • In the cross-references pane, there is an extra column that allows you to get a popup with all the paragraphs that have a cross-reference to the specified target.

Other improvements

  • The styling settings for the capitalisation of concept-labels can now be differentiated per language. You can, for example, specify that English documents should use ALL CAPITALS for their concept-labels, while French documents should use a single capital.