Changes pane

This article provides an overview of the changes pane. For more information on creating changes or the types of changes, please consult the specific articles on those topics.


The pane selector which allows you to change the pane to another mode.
Add an extra set of changes.
Add an extra change to the selected set.
Copy or cut the selected changes (set), or paste the copied/cut changes (set) to the selected location.
Move the selected changes (set) up or down.
Show/hide the conditions frame
of the selected changes (set).
Delete the selected changes (set).

Change sets


You can change the title of the set by clicking the title and typing your own title.

Collapsing the changes set

Clicking the  button will collapse the change-set, i.e. render its contents temporarily invisible (even though it is still there). The full contents can be made visible again by clicking the  button.

Collapsing a change set can be used to make editing the changes sets more manageable, by collapsing the sets you currently do not want to edit, to save on screen real estate.

If you hold down Alt (Option on Mac) while pressing this button, you will collapse/expand all changes. In other words, holding down Alt (Option on Mac) and clicking on a single change set’s button has the same effect has clicking on every button of every change set individually.

Selecting multiple change-sets and changes at once

You can select multiple change-sets or changes at once, and then perform certain operations at once on all the selected ones.

  • Once you have selected a first change-set/change, you can hold down Shift and select a second one. This will not only cause that second one to be selected as well, but will also select all changesets/changes in between.
  • When you hold down Alt (Option on Mac), you can selectively select or deselect certain items. By holding down Alt/Option, you can for example select change 1 and 3 (but not 2).

The following operations can be performed on multiple selected items at once:

  • copy, paste, cut and delete
  • pasting a certain condition, or removing conditions at once
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