Introduction to datafields

An introduction to the concept of datafields and how to write & create them.

Types of datafields

DatafieldDetailsText datafields allow you to fill out general text, such as a party's name and address, the applicable law, etc.When creating conditions, text datafields are useful to differentiate between two or more separate and distinct options. For example: say you want to align applicable law ...

Rules of thumb for using datafields

Some rules of thumb for effectively using datafields.

Writing conditions

This article explains how conditions should be written and how ClauseBase evaluates them.

Special codes

This article provides a summary of codes that can be added to a clause for specific types of formatting, signature lines or to force input into a datafield that is used in a condition.


Introduction to data-expressions which can be used to avoid having to recreate a calculation across different clauses.

Datafield aliases

When you create a name for a datafield, you will do this in the language of your choice. However, it may be desirable to provide translations for this name if you are in the habit of uploading clauses in multiple languages. That is where aliases come in. Aliases allow you to give additional name...

Datafield labels

Labels act as alternative names that can be formulated in more understandable language than regular datafield names. Since datafield names cannot use spaces between words and are generally quite brief, it may be confusing to users to know what is meant by them. Take for example the question if a...

Datafield special tags

ClauseBase integrates with virtually every company register in the world. You can designate special tags from a predefined list to link your datafields with certain party-specific variable fields. This way, users who use questionnaires to generate contracts can quickly draw information from those r...

Datafield descriptions

Descriptions can be used to add explanations or comments to datafields. The user is free to include any description, comment or explanation in the description field so that the function of a description is completely up to the user (or the policy of the organisation). For example in more com...

Repeating list datafields

Introduction Repeating list datafields are a very special type of datafield. They differ from the other types of datafields in two aspects: While all other types of datafields can only hold one single type of value (e.g. text, currency, number, date, etc.), a repeating list can in principle h...

Datafield predefines Introduction Predefines are, as the name suggests, predefined values for particular datafields. They are primarily used as aides for users who make use of clauses that contain datafields. Say you have created a condition where, upon filling out the ...